1/8 Matthew 26:56
56 But all this has taken place that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled." Then all the disciples left him and fled.
At the beginning of Matthew 26, Jesus warns that the time has come for Him to be delivered up and crucified. Later in the chapter He quotes Zechariah 13:7, "I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered." Jesus saw that prophetic passage was specifically referring to Him. Then when Peter tries to resist those who have come to take Jesus away, Jesus speaks our verse for today. Notice that Jesus refers to "prophets" in the plural form. More than one prophet had predicted the events that were unfolding.
From Jesus' understanding and faith in Scripture, we can draw several conclusions. Prophecy will inevitably be fulfilled. It is not a possible future scenario-rather, it is certain. Jesus learned what would happen from the Scriptures. He taught His disciples to trust and believe the Scriptures. Even the last sentence in our verse for today, which describes the disciples' desertion, is a fulfillment of Psalm 88:8 and Jesus' prophecy in John 16:32.
Because Scripture is certain and unchangeable, shouldn't we be looking to it as Jesus did? We may not have as clear an insight into the depths of meaning as He did, but we do have the Holy Spirit to teach us.
Consider: Are you hiding the Word in your heart? Are you watching it be fulfilled and marveling at its accuracy? Moses told the people of Israel that the Word God had given them was their very life (Deuteronomy 32:47). Is it your life?