6/2 Acts 20:28

28 Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.

Paul was speaking to the elders of Ephesus, whom he referred to as overseers. The KJV translates the word as "bishop." Paul first tells them to pay careful attention to themselves. Leadership in the church has many challenges. We desperately need humble servant leaders that follow Jesus with their whole heart. There are many temptations in ministry: pride, abuse of authority, sexual misconduct, slothfulness, and many more. The faithful shepherd will pay attention to his spiritual life first, as he cannot lead others where he is not willing to go. Accountability to other elders in the church is an absolute necessity.

Then Paul reminds the elders that it was the Holy Spirit that put them in the position of overseers so that they could shepherd the flock. It isn't a calling one takes upon himself. A shepherd feeds the flock by guiding them to good pasture while protecting them from poisonous weeds. He leads them to places where they can be watered. He is willing to lay down his own life for the sheep to protect them from predators. All of these roles have rich spiritual counterparts.

Finally, in this verse, Paul reminds the elders why they serve in this capacity. The congregation is precious to God. The blood of Christ has purchased each member. That is what makes the sheep worth the laying down of the elder's life.

Consider: The stress that comes from the life of pastoring puts pastors close to the highest risk level on insurance tables. Pray for your pastors and your elders. Consider how you might lighten their workload.