9/19 Isaiah 54:5

5 For your Maker is your husband, the LORD of hosts is his name; and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, the God of the whole earth he is called.

The LORD is speaking to the remnant of Israel that would return from captivity. However, the apostle Paul tells us in his letter to the Ephesians that the marital relationship is a picture of Jesus' relationship with His bride, the called-out ones. Just as the returning Israelites are not to be afraid, ashamed, confounded, or remember the shame of their youth, so the followers of Jesus need not remember their sinful pasts. We don't need to fear what lies ahead. Our Maker is our husband, and He is the God of the whole earth! The name, "The LORD of hosts" means He commands the army of angels. What can anyone do to us without the LORD'S permission? He is also our Redeemer. He has purchased us from the slave market of sin with His own blood.

The biblical wife was to be the glory of her husband and be his helpmeet. Proverbs 31 gives the description of the ideal wife who tirelessly labors for her family. Brothers and sisters, we can't escape these duties, for we are the bride of Christ. We are His helpmeet. We are to give ourselves to see Him glorified.

Think about the benefit of having the perfect spouse. All His advice is perfect and helpful. He will never fail to provide. He is able to protect us in every situation. He always has time to listen to our heart. And because the biblical duty of the husband is to love his wife, we can forever count on the steadfast love of the LORD.

Consider: If you have found Christ, you have found your perfect soul mate.