10/25 Micah 7:7-8

7 But as for me, I will look to the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me. 8 Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD will be a light to me.

What do we do when everything seems to be against us, when it seems our enemies have the upper hand and are doing a victory dance? Israel was on the verge of defeat because of their sins. Micah's world was turned upside down. Though he had done nothing wrong, he was suffering the same judgment as the people responsible for the calamity. It is hard for most of us imagine the demise of our nation and being carried away to another land.

His godly response is the same one that we should have when all seems hopeless. Look to the LORD. Wait for the God of our salvation. Know that He will hear you. It is easier said than done. It takes faith and a forward vision. It is not a hope that the current situation will change, but that God will be with us through it and direct us to the other side.

Look. Wait. Know. We look to the LORD for His comfort and to remind ourselves that it is all in His hands. Nothing gets by Him. Wait for Him to show you His salvation. He has the right response if we will heed His words and listen for His still small voice. Wait until you get His direction. Until then keep doing what you know you should, trusting that God is always faithful. Finally, know that God has heard your prayer. Even when you fall, you can know that you will rise. When you sit in darkness, let Him be your light.

Remember: Look to the LORD. Wait for the God of your salvation. Know that He hears your prayer. Let him be your light when you sit in the darkness of this fallen world.