12/26 Revelation 3:20

20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.

This is a favorite verse of many people. It is referred to when people are invited to receive Jesus as their Savior and Lord. However, the context is quite different. Jesus was addressing a church that had fallen away from eternal things to focus on that which is passing. In doing this, the believers' communion with Jesus had been neglected. They thought their spiritual condition was just fine, when it really had become dry and lifeless.

Jesus used the analogy of water being hot or cold. Cold is refreshing and hot can be soothing, but lukewarm is neither. The city where this church was located received its water from a hot spring. By the time it coursed its way to the city it was lukewarm. The church could easily relate to this analogy. Jesus was inviting them to renew their relationship with Him, to be stirred up again with the wonder of their salvation.

Perhaps it has been awhile since you took time to let the Lord really speak to your heart. When you allow yourself to hear His voice, you can't remain lukewarm. Dining in the Middle East was a chance for fellowship and sharing one's life with others. It takes time and intentionality to invite Jesus to dine with you.

Consider: We need this regular time of fellowship with the Lord so that we don't become lukewarm. Won't you take a moment right now to open that door and spend unhurried time with Jesus?