2/29 Luke 6:45

45 The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

Most of us have blind spots regarding our own character. We can think we are good, at least as good as most people. But if we ask someone close enough to us to be honest with us, we might hear some things that make us uncomfortable, even defensive. This verse gives us some insight into how to judge our spiritual state and areas in which we need to yield to the life of Christ. It also gives us a way to discern the character of others.

What comes out of our mouths indicates what is in our hearts. When we are with a close friend, where does our conversation usually turn? Is it to the Lord and His goodness, the things we are learning in Scripture, testimonies of God at work in our lives? If there is a different main theme, we should ask ourselves if that thing has first place in our hearts. When we listen to others over time, we can learn from their speech what is important to them.

I remember that when I was younger my conversations with friends were about the opposite sex. Later in life my conversation usually turned to making money. As much as I believed Jesus had first place in my heart, my speech indicated otherwise. We cannot change our hearts without the intervention of God.

Consider: If you recognize your heart's treasure is something other than Jesus, ask Him to show you how great His love is for you. We love Him because He first loved us. Then ask Him to show you how superior He is to whatever is your present treasure. He will surely honor that prayer and help you change.