4/30 John 17:26
26 "I made known to them your name, and I will continue to make it known, that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them."
In yesterday's devotion you learned that the name of God is the nature and character of God. Everything Jesus said and did reveals the heart of God to all people. Jesus was going to be arrested in just a few hours. How could He continue to make the heart of God known to us? The cross was the ultimate revelation of the name of God. There we see God's great love for man, His holy justice on sin, His mercy and grace for the repentant, and the extent He would go to save us. He designed all creation to bring us to this pinnacle of revelation. The cross is continuing to reveal the name of God to the world.
Notice that the purpose of this revelation is that the love God has for Jesus, the Father for the Son, may be in us. Jesus desires each of us to love Him like God loves Him. He wants God's love for the Son to be in our hearts. But that is not all! He wants to be in us, to live in our spirits. When we love Jesus as God loves Jesus, we are of one heart and mind. We become the bride of Christ in continual communion with Him. He is our desire.
Don't forget how this comes about. It is through the revelation of the heart of God that we see on the cross. No doubt this includes His continuing revelation of love for us in our daily lives. The more we see and receive His love, the more we are drawn to love and fellowship with Him.
Consider: Communion helps us to meditate on this great display of God's heart. Take time to see and receive the love of God so that your love for Jesus might increase to be like that of God's love for Him.