3/30 Deuteronomy 6:6-7

6 And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.

Moses had just reviewed the Ten Commandments and reminded the people of their vow before God to keep them. He also reminded them of their fear of God and how terrified they were of His presence on the mountain. It is a fear of His justice upon evil and the recognition of that evil in our own hearts. Several times Moses told them that keeping the commands of God was in their best interest. God commanded these things because they were good for them. They would stand out among the nations as a blessed people and the reason would be their relationship with, and obedience to, the one true God.

They were to write the words that God had spoken on their doorposts, and bind them upon their foreheads. In other words, all that they did was to be in light of God's words. That is the path to blessing. That is the value God wanted them to place on His Word.

But if they did not have the words in their hearts, it would just be ritual without meaning. The Word was always to be remembered in response to the love of God. That had to be conveyed to the next generation as well, or the blessings for obedience would stop with one generation. If it wasn't a part of daily conversation it would become meaningless to them. God's words were meant for meditation and discussion. How are you doing in living these instructions? The fact that you are reading this is just a part of the importance that is to be placed on God's word in our lives. Are you talking about the Word as you go through your day? Are you sharing it with your children and grandchildren?

Prayer: Lord, give me a hunger for Your word. Help me to make it a priority in my life, not just because I will receive a blessing, but in response to the love with which You delivered the Word to me.